Finding Joy

This Sunday we will consider the fourth and final attribute of the Advent Season; joy. First, let’s just acknowledge that joy has not been the easiest to find this year. More commonly when inquiring how others are doing, I have heard the following: exhausted, fragile, anxious and depleted. Psychologists have been helping to normalize this experience as the natural consequence of having our sympathetic nervous systems be on alert for the past two years. Of course, this is in addition to all of the ‘normal’ bumps and bruises that we endure as human beings along the course of our lifetime. If we have lost loved ones, or are experiencing financial or health challenges, joy can feel quite distant. For that reason, the holiday season has become notorious for exasperating these difficult experiences with the implied demand to be joyous. The greater demand is really to be aware enough to allow ourselves feel what we are feeling, in order to learn and grow from the experience. We can trust t...