The Meaing of Membership

Joining a spiritual community is a statement of commitment. An outer statement that speaks of an inner commitment to make our spiritual growth and wellbeing a priority. For those of us already in the community, this is an opportunity to realize what a true honor it is for someone to purposely choose us as the community that they want to grow with. Our true community purpose is to come together to know and support each other on our sacred path of spiritual unfoldment. Spiritual community affords us a place and a space to explore and grow into the fullness that we are in Spirit. It also holds that vision of us in times when we may lose it for ourselves. We all take turns in that process. Wherever you are in that process- thank you for joining us, in community. Consider for yourself: What brought you to Unity of Denver? What keeps you coming back? How do you currently demonstrate your commitment to this spiritual community? If you are looking for an open and inclusive spiritua...