
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Embrace of Community

As those in Lewiston Maine turn to find support within their community following the horrific loss of life they endured yesterday, let us join them in a heart connection that flows beyond the limits of that small town.   From a grounded place within ourselves, we can hold their pain and devastation. We can also hold them in the energy of safety, strength and love.   I do not know the details of what drove this man to act in this way.  I certainly do not condone his actions but I do believe that there had to be something deeply disturbed inside of him for him to act out in this way.  Challenging as it may feel at times, I believe that every act of misplaced anger, hatred, and violence is a call for us all to connect more deeply in love.   Our spiritual principles and practices support us in this. Knowing the Love that we are as God expressing on Earth is where we find the strength and courage to offer love to our hurting world, and ourselves. God as Love i...

Cultivating Self- Compassion

"Blessed are they that are One with themselves. They will find the Kingdom .”  --Gospel of Thomas 49 To become one with all that we are is to turn toward all that we experience in life. Some aspects of our experience are more challenging than others and our human tendency to criticize ourselves when we are struggling is not helpful.  A growing body of evidence suggests that learning to replace relentless self-criticism with greater self- compassion and care supports us in meeting the fullness of our experience with greater ease. From a spiritual perspective, we know that we are forever supported in this process by the power and presence of Divine Love that resides within us, in Spirit.  Unity has long taught the power our thoughts have on our experience. Prayer and meditation are taught as the most accelerated use of that power as we purposely focus our mind/thoughts on that Divine Presence within and all around us.  Spending time in the Silence allows these ideas to...