Stepping Into Commitment

As you consider where you are in this process of transition- recall what you have discovered in the two phases of Endings and The Void. What has ended for you? What has that ending lead you to discover or uncover in yourself? What has been revealed to you that you have outgrown, or are ready to release? Take a few moments now to center into your courageous heart. Acknowledge the pain and confusion that you have endured as a result of this ending. Breathe in the awareness of the strength and guidance that you have also discovered through your time in the wilderness. Connect with the I Am - The Eternal Truth of your Being, as it reveals to you the ways that you have limited It in yourself. Release any sense of limitation now. Prepare to step into a true new beginning. Connect with the truest desire of your soul- what is calling you ? What is trying to come through this space that you have cleared? Listen for your soul’s true desire. Robert Brumet offers the following inquiry i...