
Showing posts from April, 2022

Stepping Into Commitment

As you consider where you are in this process of transition- recall what you have discovered in the two phases of Endings and The Void. What has ended for you? What has that ending lead you to discover or uncover in yourself? What has been revealed to you that you have outgrown, or are ready to release? Take a few moments now to center into your courageous heart. Acknowledge the pain and confusion that you have endured as a result of this ending. Breathe in the awareness of the strength and guidance that you have also discovered through your time in the wilderness.  Connect with the I Am - The Eternal Truth of your Being, as it reveals to you the ways that you have limited It in yourself.  Release any sense of limitation now. Prepare to step into a true new beginning. Connect with the truest desire of your soul- what is calling you ? What is trying to come through this space that you have cleared? Listen for your soul’s true desire. Robert Brumet offers the following inquiry i...

Supporting New Beginnings

 This Sunday completes our series on the book, Finding Yourself in Transition by Robert Brumet. While this brings us to the final stage in the transition process- New Beginnings, I have no doubt that many of us are still grappling with the unique challenges of the previous stages. Just as we start to think we may be ready to ‘move on’ into a New Beginning, we find ourselves back in that experience of uncertainty with more questions than answers paving our path through the Wilderness.   Some of us may step back to the beginning of the process, sifting through more of the over-whelming sense of loss and confusion for fragments of our former self and reality.   Others among us have already tried to force a New Beginning, just to flee the discomfort and uncertainty of the Wilderness experience.  It is important to realize that these stages, like most things in our human experience are not clear cut, nice and tidy, linear stages. There is no ‘perfect progression’ b...

Rising Above- The Easter Story

Listen!   Do you hear the voice of the Spirit within calling out to you “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord,” the Lord, the self-existent One, the Christ, the I Am of your being? Do you hear it? That voice is crying out to you to prepare a way, open your heart and your mind to embrace the potential and the possibility of your full and conscious awakening to who and what you truly are. Jesus heard the call. He knew that it was time to leave behind his former life, all the ways he had known himself and his world so he could step beyond the known and into service to something greate r.    As we prepare for Easter, I invite you  to consider that you can make the second coming of Christ a reality as you claim for yourself the consciousness that Jesus of Nazareth so bravely and fully demonstrated on behalf of all humanity. The Truth of you, and of all creation, is meant to rise up strong and free over any challenge, or seeming limitation.   May  you claim that...

Overcoming in the Wilderness

This week’s exploration of the wilderness experience coincides with Palm Sunday which marks the beginning of Holy Week in the Christian tradition. It was on this day that Jesus arrived  in Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish Passover. This is the backdrop for the whole Palm Sunday experience. Later in the week, Christians will celebrate Maundy Thursday. These two celebrations derive from the same source: The Jewish Passover which celebrates the great event in the life of Judaism, Moses leading the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt. What no one seemed to know was that Jesus was on the last lap of a lifetime of personal overcoming. His life had been devoted to proving the divinity within humanity. He knew that the truth could not be fully demonstrated until he had gone through, even grown through, the experience on the cross. What are you overcoming in order to more fully know your own divinity?   As we are learning, we have built a great deal of our identity around o...

Embracing the Journey

The journey through transition is no laughing matter! As we have been discussing, it is often a very difficult time marked by grieving and letting go of some aspect of our life that has come to an end. The loss itself is painful. If we remain present in the process we realize that we are also feeling a sense of loss and uneasiness around our own identity and purpose. The process initiated by endings leads us to a time of confusion and questioning, known as the void. This has been likened to the experience of "Wandering in the Wilderness" as presented in the story of Exodus. There is a strong temptation to get out of there and on to New Beginnings as quickly as possible. Even if we are not really ready. Even if we have just begun the real work of self-discovery and healing.  If those New Beginnings seem too far out there- we may just try to go backward and recreate the past. Both of these tactics were employed by the Israelites. Suffice it to say, they made it harder on themse...