Stepping Into Commitment

As you consider where you are in this process of transition- recall what you have discovered in the two phases of Endings and The Void.

What has ended for you?
What has that ending lead you to discover or uncover in yourself?
What has been revealed to you that you have outgrown, or are ready to release?

Take a few moments now to center into your courageous heart. Acknowledge the pain and confusion that you have endured as a result of this ending. Breathe in the awareness of the strength and guidance that you have also discovered through your time in the wilderness.  Connect with the I Am - The Eternal Truth of your Being, as it reveals to you the ways that you have limited It in yourself.  Release any sense of limitation now. Prepare to step into a true new beginning.

Connect with the truest desire of your soul- what is calling you ? What is trying to come through this space that you have cleared? Listen for your soul’s true desire.

Robert Brumet offers the following inquiry in order to gain clarity in this process, 
“One of the best ways to prepare for a new beginning is to discover your soul's deepest desire. A true new beginning will be some expression of this desire. It's an extremely personal endeavor, so it is difficult to give a formula. There are some questions that can help you facilitate this discovery.
  • What has always come naturally for me?
  • What have I felt naturally drawn or attracted to?
  • What would I do with my life if I were not concerned with money?
  • What could I do if I knew I could not fail?
  • If I were to die today, what would feel unfinished in my life? What is that is so important to me that I would risk everything in order to achieve or experience it?
How specific do you need to get? Our soul desires to express itself in some unique way. It is important for us to determine what it is that is seeking expression. Specifically, how this is to occur can be left open to divine order.

The key ingredient required for New Beginnings is commitment.  A true commitment is not an obligation to something or someone outside of yourself, but rather is a commitment to yourself. It is in agreement with yourself-that you will give up some freedom in a certain area of your life in order to enrich other areas of your life, and in the long run, to generate even more freedom.

A true commitment is a decision that puts very powerful forces in motion."
(Finding Yourself in Transition, pgs. 118-119).

Take some time now to consider what commitment(s) you are ready to make.

Join us on Sunday at 10am as we begin our new series, 
exploring The Five Principles:  A Guide to Practical Spirituality by Ellen Debenport.


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