Supporting New Beginnings

 This Sunday completes our series on the book, Finding Yourself in Transition by Robert Brumet.

While this brings us to the final stage in the transition process- New Beginnings, I have no doubt that many of us are still grappling with the unique challenges of the previous stages. Just as we start to think we may be ready to ‘move on’ into a New Beginning, we find ourselves back in that experience of uncertainty with more questions than answers paving our path through the Wilderness.

 Some of us may step back to the beginning of the process, sifting through more of the over-whelming sense of loss and confusion for fragments of our former self and reality.  Others among us have already tried to force a New Beginning, just to flee the discomfort and uncertainty of the Wilderness experience. 

It is important to realize that these stages, like most things in our human experience are not clear cut, nice and tidy, linear stages. There is no ‘perfect progression’ but rather only steady, courageous progress. The challenge is to allow the time and space necessary for the process to unfold. This tends to move at a slower and less predictable pace than we are accustomed to. Like so many of our Biblical and Mythical stories illustrate, there is great value and purpose in the process itself.  Moreover, it takes as long as it takes. Our attempts to resist, deny or rush it will eventually catch up with us (cue Pharaoh’s Army!).

Speaking for myself, I have certainly gone in and out of these phases over the past six weeks here at USCD.  I am grateful for the wisdom of this book that has helped to slow me down as I find my way in my new role. I have experienced great sadness and confusion, along with feelings of excitement and expectation and everything in between. I have been tempted to push the river and get going with new ideas and initiates.  I have also felt the call of comfort to just settle right into how we have been doing things.

All of these experiences have afforded me, and hopefully all of you an opportunity to notice what is underneath some of our strong emotions, aversions and expectations. These are realizations well worth the time that they take to uncover. More time is often required to process it all as we come to understand what we need to release in order to make room for something new to move through us.
This is the work and process of transition. It is neither quick nor easy. Having had the courage to see it through, does afford us some well-earned wisdom and deepened awareness.

As we progress toward a New Beginning, I hope that you take time to notice and claim the sense of empowerment that is yours for having had the courage to stay the course. It takes courage to face your pain, loss and confusion as the result of an Ending.  It takes strength to continue through the journey in the wilderness. It takes faith to call upon that within you that is capable of mastering the terrain of the unknown by calling forth the Truth of you, the God of you to lead the way.  Take time to account for the wisdom and strength that you have or are gaining as a result your courageous encounter with the transition process up to this point. 

May this provide the foundation to hold and support your and our New Beginning!

Join us as we continue the journey this Sunday, at 10AM 


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