Waking Up Requires Growing Up

 As part of my Mother’s Day lesson last Sunday, I posed the idea that we are being called to grow up spiritually, in order to embrace the challenges of our times as opportunities to propel a quantum leap in our spiritual growth. Such a leap not only assures our own personal sense of well-being but also ensures that human evolution continues to flourish.

I was inspired by Ellen Debenport’s reminder in book The Five Principles that the word 'bisha' from the original Aramaic that was eventually translated as ‘evil’  originally meant immature, or unripe. Debenport concludes that, “We as humans are immature or unripe, not yet living from divine consciousness.”

This moves the source of evil from a superhuman entity or force at odds with God, to the level human error that results from our immature understanding of who and what we really are! We misuse our creative power when we think and act from that level of immaturity, which is grounded in fear.
If we believe, as Principle 1 states, that God (by whatever name you know it) is Absolute Good, and everywhere present, then what do we have to fear?

Once again, this is an invitation to outgrow the God of our childhood as a “Santa Claus figure in the sky” to an energetic essence of Absolute Good or, “what scientists have termed, a field of pure potential and energy that underlies all of creation.” 

As we grow to understand the fullness of this energy behind all that is, we naturally come to realize the second Principle, which states that all of creation, including humanity is an expression of God/Good. Our essence is of the same creative energy that underlies all of creation.

This is yet another invitation to grow into our understanding of who and what we are in order to show up as the hands and feet of Divine Life, Divine Love and Divine Intelligence. This requires us to rise to the occasion and take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and behaviors as we continue to align them with the Truth of who we are.

We begin in consciousness, with our thoughts.

Principle 3 states, “human beings create their experiences through the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest world has its beginning in thought.” 1 

This suggests that at least part of what we are currently experiencing is the culminating result of the immaturity of our collective ways of thinking and co-creating up to this point. While it is hard to fathom that something like the invasion of Ukraine had any place in our individual minds, most of us can identify our own thoughts that can fuel a war of sorts, within us. Our worries and fears. Our harsh judgements of others and ourselves. Our self-righteous attitudes. However big or small those may be in your life, magnify that by the billions of creative beings on our planet.

 If God is Love and we are expressions of that Love, then how can we judge certain aspects of others or ourselves to be unworthy or unwelcome?

 If we truly believe that God is Love and we are expressions of that love on Earth, then any thought we have that is not based in love is not true. It is merely the result of our immature understanding.

Consider all is possible as we continue to grow our understanding of these principles and apply them to every aspect of our life!

We do this by first centering our thoughts on the fullness that we know God to be and realizing that that fullness resides within us. Aligned with this expanded understanding, we begin to think, feel and act more spiritually mature.

Remember the expanded freedom of growing up?

Remember too, the corresponding expansion of responsibility?

When our thoughts regress back to those of lack, fear or unrighteous judgement, we have simply fallen back into our immature understanding of God/Love and our ourselves.  We can return to Principle #1 and consider how you can expand your understanding of the fullness of God as Good. Continue to Principle #2 and claim the power of that Good as your own True essence.

As you work with Principle 3, pay attention to the nature of your thoughts.

Are they based in the Truth of your Oneness with Divine Love and all of creation,
or on the myth of separation?

You have the power to choose your thoughts.

Notice how that choice effects your experience; moment by moment, thought by thought.

Join us as we continue this exploration on Sunday at 10am

[1] The Five Principles by Ellen Debenport


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