Who You Talkin' To?

This Sunday will begin a new series on affirmative prayer, using the book, How to Pray without Talking to God , by Linda Martella- Whitsett. Before you make plans to skip this series, let me assure you that this is not meant to condemn anyone for talking to God. Talking to God has been promoted as an obvious way to connect and express our needs, our joys and our sorrows. Heartfelt prayers always make a difference, regardless of their form or wording. If your prayer practice is effective and fulfilling and centers on conversing with God – by all means stick with it. I also lovingly invite you to join us, with an open mind as we explore how to deepen of our prayer practice. Talking to God is not problematic in and of itself, except that it so easily perpetuates a sense of separation. If in prayer, we are centered on connecting with the Divine presence within, who, or what are we talking to? The important idea here is to be sure that we are using the power of prayer to grow ...