Building The Beloved Community

I recently received and an email promotion with a subject line that caught my attention. It read, “The age of going in alone is over.” E
ven as a moderate introvert,I felt a huge sigh of relief.

I have long felt the constriction of trying ‘to go at this’ alone, and, yet it remains my default.
While I know that I am indeed part of the extended family of humanity, I am not immune to the deeply grooved pattern that has supported us all in just “grinning and bearing it” rather than reaching out for companionship and support.

Life in this human experience has always come with its share of pain and joy, both of which lend themselves well to sharing. These times that we are living through are pushing us all a little harder and a lot deeper. Imagine what might be possible if we pull the plug on trying to grin and bear it, and, instead come together to share in it, learn from it, and collaborate on how to grow from it.

It is ultimately up to us, as individuals to collectively decide and begin acting as if the age of going it alone are truly over. Are we ready to prioritize community and collaboration above the false idols of independence and rugged individuality?

Speaking on behalf of Unity of Denver which was founded on the idea Oneness, it is my sincere hope that we are. How we do that and what doing so will offer is yet to be discovered.

I believe that such a shift is not only essential for us individually, but is also imperative for the continued evolution of humanity. It also affords us a deeper purpose for what we do here as a Unity Community.

It is key for USCD to continue as a thriving, expansive community that brings all sorts of people together in authentic connection. Building on a strong foundation of connection and community supports us all in learning, growing and serving together. This is the foundation for building "The Beloved Community”.

While that community naturally serves our social need to connect, it has a higher purpose than simply socializing. As I understand it, what makes such a community unique is its foundational purpose to be a space for people to individually connect with Spirit, and expand in the knowing that they are one with Spirit, as a living expression of It.
As they grow in this awareness for themselves, that awareness extends as the Truth of all people. 
It is that Truth that brings us together to learn and grow.  

Along the way, all sorts of things come up for us to celebrate and bear- together. That includes the various joys and sorrows that we experience in our personal lives but even more frequently shared are the challenges and triumphs that come as we really do the work of becoming who are meant to be, as Spirit expressing.

This is not always easy. It requires courage in order to be authenically vulnerable. 
It inevitably requires us to face the places within ourselves that we have most wanted to disconnect with, or deny. It reveals old worn out ways of thinking that are grounded in fear and lack. It demands that we uncover those tender places within us that we have long guarded and protected. The celebration comes when we experience the triumph of revealing and healing those places in order to live more fully. 
This is the nature of true Spiritual becoming and belonging. It is not possible by taking the bypass.

The beloved community holds this process as sacred and holds its members up when they feel most down. It can do this because it is made up of individuals who are grounded in the Truth of who they are in Spirit. That Truth empowers them to do the hard work required along the way. 

This is how we truly support  ourselves and each other in living the Truth that we know!
It is also how we consciously participate in the upward evolution of humanity.

Consider for yourself:
  • What comes alve in you to be a part of this Beloved Community?

  • What can you bring to it?

  • What do you need from it?
Join us Sunday at 10am for an experience of The Beloved Community.


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