Activating Your Powers


This Sunday we will pick up where we left off with our discussion of the book, Divine Audacity: Dare to Be the Light of the World by Rev. Linda Martella- Whitsett.  
The book explores Unity’s Twelve Powers – based on the metaphysical interpretation of the twelve disciples of Jesus by Unity Co-Founder Charles Fillmore.

“Fillmore approached the Bible as a spiritual story about our evolution from personal or finite being to divine or infinite being. Each character in the Bible represents an aspect of our own evolving being. He concluded that each of Jesus’ disciples embodied a characteristic- a principle, a power that well served Jesus’ mission” (Martella-Whitsett, Divine Audacity, pg.25).

That mission was to be the light of the world. We are learning that to be our mission as we recognize our own capacity of Christ Consciousness that is inherent in our own Divine Identity. The work of the twelve powers is to support the fullest expression of that Identity.

Just a reminder that we will not be covering the book in a linear fashion, from start to finish. Rather we will explore a spiritual power one Sunday a month, following the designation of the Power of the Month, set forth by our youth programs for a great many years!

Before we consider the specific spiritual ability of release this month, we will first consider the nature of these abilities in general.

It is important to realize that while our spiritual abilities are inherent to us, they remain latent until they are realized and developed to the fullest.

 “Although our spiritual abilities are natural to us, they exist in potential until they are recognized, activated and developed.”  (Martella-Whitsett, Divine Audacity, pg.27)

Your presence here assumes that you have already recognized something of your own spiritual capacity.

Together, we will consider how to activate and further develop this capacity.

Join us this Sunday at 10am to continue this exploration.

Photo by Felipe Bastias on Unsplash


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