What Can You Relase?
This Sunday, we will consider our spiritual
power of release or elimination, as one of the twelve spiritual powers, or
abilities, taught by Unity Co-Founder Charles Fillmore and presented in the
book Divine Audacity by Rev. Linda
The power of
elimination, or release is represented by the disciple Thaddeus and is located in the abdominal
region near the elimination organs. As you
might imagine, this is always a lively lesson to teach to our youth, but all
kidding aside, the physical capacity of elimination is crucial to a healthy functioning
system. This is true of the body and the mind.
On a tangible level, we use this capacity to clear out the old, unused or outgrown items in our homes and storage spaces. This is also the capacity at work in the process of giving and receiving. As we give, so shall we receive – not because you are directly rewarded for what you give, but because you are participating in the flow of life itself.
As we trust the Divine flow of life, we can
trust that as we release, we are making room for more of
our good to be expressed. When our
tendency is to ‘hold on’ to things, circumstances, people or thought patterns, we
limit our capacity for new growth and greater expression.
While we are learning
of these abilities individually, they really operate more as a team.
Our ultimate goal is to find a balance by which these abilities can work in
harmony to support our physical and mental health, as well as our spiritual
growth and unfoldment.
In this case,
our capacity for release helps to temper an over-developed sense of will, which
can limit other capacities such as love and understanding. A strong will can often
be felt as tension in the lower abdomen.
“Congestion of some kind is the most reliable symptom prompting us to assert the power of release. In the body, congestion may manifest as constipation. As in the body, so in the mind” (Martella-Whitsett, pg. 177).
On the spiritual level, Charles Fillmore taught that elimination is “the faculty by which we release false beliefs and accomplish mental cleansing. Elimination enables us to surrender to Spirit any thought that is not for our highest good so that transformation and purification of consciousness can take place.
A letting go of old thoughts in order that new
thoughts may find a place in consciousness. A healthy state of mind is attained
when the thinker willingly lets go the old thoughts and takes on the new. This
is illustrated by the inlet and outlet of a pool of water”
(The Twelve
Powers of Man, 1930, pg.144).
Adding to this
idea, Linda Martella-Whitsett says,
“A body of water stopped either at its inlet or outlet stagnates. It stinks. It dies. Damming the mind with unforgiveness, self- criticism, or nonconstructive beliefs produces
stinking thinking. Utilize any of these three aspects of the purgative power of
release and you will not only feel better but you will know more surely your Infinite Self, your Divine Identity” (Divine Audacity, 2015, pg. 177).
Consider for yourself—
are you ready to release in order to feel better and to know more of your own
Divine Identity?
Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash
Join us Sunday, at 10am as we continue to explore our capacity of release.
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