Your Epiphany

This Sunday brings the official close of the Christmas season with the celebration of Epiphany in the Christian tradition.  Epiphany commemorates the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem, completing their faithful trek in search of the birthplace of Jesus, led by that brilliant star.

The literal story is one of awe and wonder to be sure. The Magi, or wise men, were likely astrologers who had been studying the skies for signs and wonders; in search of wisdom and guidance. The appearance of that bright star over Bethlehem signaled to them that the prophesized King of the Jews had arrived.

Thus began their camel trek of many miles,using only star as their guide in search of this newborn child, said to be the King of the Jews! Those details alone explain their joy and adoration upon finding him! It also speaks to the personal reward for having followed their intuition; trusting that the star was indeed their guide.

Considered metaphysically, we find that this story also commemorates the process by which we come to discover our own Divinity, or Christ Nature.

We too have an inner wisdom that is first stirred by an intuitive prompt to follow what may first appear as a faint glimmer of light within our own awareness. It calls us to look within for the clarity, the wisdom, and the purpose that we have long searched to find outwardly.

When we trust our intution to uncover our inner wisdom, we too experience great joy, and even adoration for the depth of Spirit found within our own being.

The somewhat disturbing end of the story holds meaning for us as well.
We also experience the insecurity and fearful response of our personal (egoic) consciousness in the presence of this new spiritual awareness.

Just as the Christ child needed protection from the wrath of King Herod, our new spiritual awareness also needs protection from the defenses of our own personal, (egoic) consciousness when its throne of domination is threathened.

Join us this Sunday at 10 am, as we explore the metaphysics of Epiphany.

<a href="">Holiday Vectors by Vecteezy</a>


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