The Call of Conscious Evolution

This Sunday brings the start of a new series based on Robert Brumet's book entitled Birthing a Greater Realty: A Guide for Conscious Evolution.

 The call to conscious evolution has been circulating for many years now.

This need is based on the idea that humans have met the edge of our biological evolution.

 "We have outgrown the need to survive through biological adaptation by learning to adapt our environment to meet our needs. We also have the unique ability to create an inner reality-within our mind. “Rather than adapting to the natural world solely through biological evolution we have evolved a brain that gives us the ability to create internal representations of the outer world. We are able to create an internal virtual world. And, we have developed the ability to manipulate our inner worlds in very creative ways” (Brumet, R, Birthing a Greater Reality, 2010, pg 17).

 The crucial awareness we are being called into is that some of the maneuvering of that internal world has blocked our awareness of who we are and what our greatest purpose is in this world.

In Truth,we are spiritual beings whose mission it is to reveal the fullness of Spirit on this Earth.
Of course, we now run the risk of destroying the Earth before fully waking up to our purpose.

The leap on consciousness that awaits us is one that requires us to wake up to the Truth that we are and the power that we hold as expressions of the One Source expressing in human form.

 Humanity continues to grow up into the awareness that evolution happens through us, not to us. 

Yet, something has kept the vast majority of us from fully waking up and claiming our role and power in the process.  Our series will take a look at the story of our evolution and the process by which we can wake up to the fuller Truth that we in are Spirt. This is the quantum leap required in the process of conscious evolution.

Join us Sunday at 10am as we embark on our shared opportunity for “Birthing a Greater Reality”!


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