Your Power of Faith
This Sunday brings an exploration of the Power of the Month: Faith.
The Twelve Powers were originally set forth by Unity Co-Founder Charles Fillmore.Our primary resource will be Divine Audacity: Dare to Be the Light of the World, by Linda Martella- Whitsett.
You can think of these powers as your innate capacities or abilities that support you in navigating your life, with the ultimate purpose being to support the fullest expression of your spiritual nature. It is important to realize that we use these abilities whether we are aware of it or not.
Our goal is to use them consciously, in support of our highest spiritual expression, which is to know and be the Light that we are as expressions of the Divine. This is what Jesus, our teacher and wayshower, demonstrated so fully and invited all who would listen to consider for themselves.
Faith is our ability to believe, to perceive, and to bring ideas into manifestation.
It is represented by the disciple Peter (Simon) and Mary, the Mother of Jesus.It's physical location is in the pineal gland.
“Faith is the power to make the possible real. Our very sense of reality depends on faith. It is the power that realizes (that is, makes real) images held in mind” (Martella-Whitsett, Divine Audacity, pg.37).
As we seek to use our faith faculty more consciously, we begin by considering the nature of our underling perceptions, beliefs and interpretations. These are the rock upon which our experience of reality rests.
Of all of the spiritual abilities that Jesus spoke of, faith was the one most referenced. The initial understanding was that we should have faith in Jesus, but he seemed to be pointing to our own power to perceive the higher truths of Spirit and to put our faith in that above all else.
We are invited to live with the conviction that there is always more than meets the eye, for what is visible is limited. What is of Spirit is limitless. We are of Spirit- so there is also that of us that is limitless. We also have access to the limitless ideas of Divine Mind.
This is the basis from which we too can make what seems impossible, possible!
"Faith is our innate power to create our reality through our perceptions, our beliefs, and our interpretations. According to our faith, we live in assurance/conviction. According to our faith, we expect” (Martella-Whitsett, Divine Audacity, pg.38).
Ultimately, we are called to use our faith faculty in support of the ultimate expectation for our lives; to know who and what we are as expressions of the Divine.
“{Faith} is our ability to perceive the reality of Divine Mind’s kingdom of Good, despite evidence to the contrary. It is the faculty of positive assurance that the power, presence and promise of Divine Mind are real, hear and now” (Hasselbeck, Heart- Centered Metaphysics, pg. 236).
Consider for Yourself:
Consider for Yourself:
- What is the nature of the perceptions and core beliefs that shape my reality?
Are they expansive, life-giving beliefs based in the Truth of Spirit, or fearful, restrictive beliefs based on the limits of my personal interpretations and opinions?
- How can I expand my beliefs to include more of the Truth of my spiritual nature, despite my seeming limitations, and those of the world around me?
- As I consider the reality that I want to create, what underlying beliefs might be restricting me?
- How can I expand those beliefs to reflect more of the Truth of Spirit that I am?
Join us this Sunday at 10am to explore your Power of Faith.
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