A Case of Mistaken Identity

We continue our exploration of the book Birthing a Greater Reality by Robert Brumet this Sunday. Last Sunday we took a deep dive into the exploration of the structures of consciousness as a means for considering how consciousness (awareness) has evolved for humanity as a whole. This week we will consider how that process occurs within us individually. Brumet sets the stage by sharing the work of German philosopher, scientist and mystic Jean Gebser who “conceptualized these structures of consciousness by how they lead us to experience the world itself. Each structure has its unique outlook, its unique way of interpreting reality. This theory states that the mental structure of consciousness remains the dominate mode in our world today. This structure is reflected in the modern self-reflective ego system” (Brumet, pg. 45). Within this structure, “objectivity began to take on a new meaning as the ego identified its location as a point separated and distanced from the rest of the w...