Palm Sunday

Our journey of the study of the book Birthing a Greater Reality by Robert Brumet has explored the evolution of consciousness both historically and personally as a means for understanding our collective case of mistaken identity, and the need for us to wake up in order to claim the fullness our True, Divine identity. This is the ultimate discovery that leads us back to our innate wholeness and freedom as expressions of Spirit. The journey begins with the glimmer of awareness that there is more to us than our conditioned ways of thinking and knowing the world. As our awareness expands, we wake up to see the veil of our egoic persona for what it is- a protective mechanism that seeks to provide a sense of safety and permanence in an impermanent world. Waking up involves seeing this illusion of our own making and how it provides a false sense of security. We also discover how it has cut us off from our own essential nature. Thus begins the journey of discovering a new and greater reali...