Palm Sunday

Our journey of the study of the book Birthing a Greater Reality by Robert Brumet has explored the evolution of consciousness both historically and personally as a means for understanding our collective case of mistaken identity, and the need for us to wake up in order to claim the fullness our True, Divine identity. This is the ultimate discovery that leads us back to our innate wholeness and freedom as expressions of Spirit.

The journey begins with the glimmer of awareness that there is more to us than our conditioned ways of thinking and knowing the world. As our awareness expands, we wake up to see the veil of our egoic persona for what it is- a protective mechanism that seeks to provide a sense of safety and permanence in an impermanent world.

Waking up involves seeing this illusion of our own making and how it provides a false sense of security. We also discover how it has cut us off from our own essential nature. Thus begins the journey of discovering a new and greater reality that emerges when we know and live from our True essential nature; from our oneness with Spirit.

What a perfect time for us to turn to triumphant story of Jesus of Nazareth as the Christian tradition prepares to celebrate Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorated Jesus’s arrival in Jerusalem for the Jewish Passover to commemorate and celebrate Moses leading the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt.

By then Jesus had taught and healed a growing number of people. Many believed him to be the Messiah who had come to free the Jewish people from the oppression of the Romans. This fueled the crowd’s eager welcome as he arrived into the city. Cheering him, they spread palm leaves on the ground before him; clearing and marking his pathway into the city.

Of course, Jesus had not come to over through the Romans. He had not been teaching of a literal kingdom but of the kingdom within. The sole purpose of his life and his death was to demonstrate a whole new way of life that is possible when we know our essential nature; our oneness with Spirit.

Wherever you may stand with the Christian tradition, it is hard to deny that Jesus was one who had fully awakened to a Greater Reality. He lived a life that demonstrated this possibility for anyone who could believe in it. The greater reality that Jesus knew and taught is that we are not separate from God, nor from one another. Our human propensity for fear, judgement and doubt that drives us to seek power and control in a world of impermanence is what truly separates us. We know these to be familiar attributes of the ego. As we have learned from Robert Brumet “the ego separates; our essential nature unites us.”

Ultimately, through his dedication to and attunement with the True source of being, Jesus rose above each and every test and trial, including the finality of physical death. All that he did was for the sole purpose of raising our awareness to know our oneness with God.

As we make our way to the celebration of Easter, we are reminded that Jesus was indeed a Master Teacher. His entire life was a lesson for all. While his dramatic death and resurrection have long been the primary focus of the Christian Church, it is his message about living a transformed life and his deep dedication to teaching us how we too can do this that we are celebrating this season.

Join us Sunday at 10am to continue this exploration.

Brumet, R. (2010). Birthing a Greater Reality. Unity Village: Unity Books.


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