The Enigma of Desire

Author Robert Brumet ultimately equates “the evolution of consciousness with the evolution of self- identity. Each level of the ladder of evolution has a different answer to the question who am I?” (Brumet, pg. 129).

He also offers us an important reminder that we cannot transcend what we have not yet reclaimed, healed and integrated within our self. Last week we explored the power of forgiveness and grief work as necessary and healthy practices for navigating the fullness of our life experiences by addressing the pain that accompanies being human. We considered how few of us have been well trained or supported in doing this work is a responsible and compassionate way.

Instead we often deny and repress these painful experiences. What we cannot see within ourselves very often gets projected onto other people and/or experiences. Repression and projection are the mechanisms employed by the ego to protect the fragile false self it has created in order to survive.

“Regression is the ego’s favorite tool for avoidance- just bury it” (Brumet, pg. 132).

It makes sense that we have all collectively been reared around these ego functions. Meaning that as we learned to bury undesirable parts of ourselves (thoughts, feelings & behaviors) in order to survive and thrive, we also learned that these places within us were dangerous and untrustworthy and should be avoided at all cost. We have unknowingly agreed to this cultural contract of sorts.

“I won’t talk about my struggles or pain if you don’t”...then we won't have to face our deep discomfort around it all. But we also end up feeling alone in what is a shared human experience. 

Hence, our lack of understanding and familiarity around the process of grief, or the practice of forgiveness. These require us to face the pain that the ego would much prefer we avoid. How about we make another agreement? One that actually supports healing and normalizes more of our shared human expereinces?

With the false self at the center of our identity, breakdowns of any kind are felt as terrifying. Yet, as we do the work of recovering our true essence, we find that there is room for breakthrough in ways previously unimaginable.

"The ego separates us; our essential nature unites us" (Brumet, 131).
This is what we are being called to wake up to and act upon. If our true desire is to awaken, then we must understand the nature of desire itself. This week we will consider the Enigma of Desire.

Join us Sunday at 10AM

Brumet, R. (2010). Birthing a Greater Reality. Unity Village: Unity Books.


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