The Great Discovery

In preparing for our Easter service, I was reminded of my genuine love and appreciation for the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. I was also reminded of how that message has so often been misunderstood and misused in ways that have left many a bit leery of the Jesus centered theology known as Christianity.

I certainly understand this response and have experienced it myself. Yet,the message itself offers a transformative path that deserves a deeper consideration. There are a growing number within the Christain faith that have sought to extract the message of Jesus from the religous constraints that formed around it. I have turned to the work of Father Richard Rohr, Bishop Shelby Spong and Marcus Borg for inspiration.

The ways in which the message of Jesus has been confused and even corrupted in the name of religion is just another example of humanity’s propensity to operate from our limited egoic –centered mind; forever seeking power and protection.

Our last series revealed how our own mistaken identity with our survival driven egoic persona can wreak havoc in our own personal life, and how it plays out on a larger, systemic and institutional level. The institution of religion is certainly not immune to this and has demonstrated so by way of its propensity for prioritizing the preservation and protection of the institution above its true purpose which is to unite people with God.

Our next series will offer an opportunity to extract the message of Jesus from the institution of Christianity and consider how it can be applied to our own life in ways that tuly unite us with the Divine. This exploration will also prompt an opportunity for us to examine, and hopefully expand our understanding of the Divine Itself.

For anyone wanting to go deeper, I will be using Eric Butterworth’s Book, Discover the Power Within You* as a guide for this series. The follwong excerpt from the introduction sets the stage for our exploration:

“What Jesus taught was not about religion or church although religion should unite us with this teaching, he taught a message that was centered around you. Wherever you are on your spiritual unfoldment and self -realization, no matter what problems or challenges you may face, there is always more in you, the mystery of God in you- the Christ in you- which means your potential for healing and overcoming.”

Join us Sunday at 10am to continue this exploration.

*Note: While this book remains a trusted Unity standard, it is worth noting that it was first published in 1968. A second edition was published in 1989. Rev. Butterworth’s writing style is reflective of the cultural norms that were prevalent at that time. Specifically, his use the pronoun 'he’ as the accepted and assumed standard, not only when referring to God, but also for humanity as a whole. This is reflected with his use of the term mankind to refer to humanity, leading to the context by which he speaks of  “the Divinity of Man”.

Throughout the book, he uses the masculine pronoun for referencing the inherent Divinity within all people. I mention this with the hope that anyone reading will make this translation and not lose the essence of the message itself.

                                                                        Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash


  1. I also feel very close to the beauty and power of Jesus’s message and example. Thank you 🙏🏻


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