The Great Epiphany!
We are concluding our Summer of Awe series this Sunday with the grandeur of epiphany!
Who doesn't love a good epiphany?
In his book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life, the author Dasher Keltner summarizes the experiences of epiphany from the participants in his study of awe as follows:
“Around the world, people were awe struck by philosophical insights, scientific discoveries, metaphysical ideas, personal realizations, mathematical equations, and sudden disclosures that transform life in an instant. In each instance, the epiphany united facts, beliefs, values, intuitions, and images into a new system of understanding” (pg. 18).
I have come to consider that we are in an experience of collective epiphany. Of course our individual experience of a new understanding depends on where we are in our initial level of understanding. Regardless of where we land in that, there remains a shared opportunity for growth. I have certainly felt a deeper understanding of the ‘essential truths about life’ over these past several years. I am guessing you have as well.
I have also become more keenly aware of how we are all so influenced by the prevailing social, political, religious, and cultural beliefs and values of our times.I have also been surprised by my former unawareness in that regard. I believe that many of us have become more aware of how these influences really do shape our sense of identity, for better or worse. It is often that very identity that we so often have to peel back in order to uncover ‘the gold’ of our True, Spiritual Nature. Who we think we are, or who we think that we should be, must eventually give way if we are to uncover the depth of who we are in Spirit. This is the essence of the lesson behind the spiritual teaching requiring that we ‘die to the self’ over and over again.
The magnificence of this whole process is that we are hard-wired for these experiences of awe and wonder—which then continue to call us toward the fullness of Divine Life within and all around us. That fullness of Life strengths and guides us in rising up to meet the challenges of our times.
It would seem that the very experience of awe is an epiphany as it connects us to something larger than our self, and holds a continual potential for expanding our perspective.
We are all actively experiencing the paradox of change -which holds both great potential and opportunity alongside the feelings of uncertainty, and fear of chaos. It can be tempting to just hide away until the chips fall where they may.
Yet, the wonders of life continue to call to us. Divine Intelligence is always at work and seeking to deepen, strengthen, and grow us. Experiences of awe and wonder are essential now more than ever because they help to neutralize the sense of overwhelm that uncertaintly can exacerbate. Ultimately, these experiences support a much needed deepening of our connection to the Divine- in ourselves, each other, and the natural world. Perhaps that is, as Dacher Keltner concludes, " the great epiphany of our species" (pg. 244).
He also offers this final intriguing question,
"What is it that awe connects us to that is larger than the self?"
Take some time to consider that question for yourself.
Join us Sunday, at 10am as we consider his answer and how it relates to a key Unity principle.
Source Cited:
Keltner, D. (2023). Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. New York: Penguin Press.
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