Preservation or Transcendence?

We are continuing our series of Robert Brumet's book entitled Birthing a Greater Realty: A Guide for Conscious Evolution. We began this exploration last Sunday by considering the call of Conscious Evolution as the call to wake up from the dream that we are separate individual personas in order to realize the depth of our Oneness with and, as Spirit. From there we could see that evolution doesn’t just happen to us, but through us. We are being called to wake up to the fullness that we are in Spirit in order to consciously participate in this pivotal stage of evolution. Doing this also expands (evolves) our consciousness. Ultimately, this is an opportunity to expand our awareness beyond its current limitations. Brumet’s explanation of what keeps us asleep reveals a viable path to waking up, and a helpful understanding as to why this process feels so challenging. The answer lies in the limited nature of the mind itself, and our mistaken identity with it as who we are...